The 2518-51 Sound Module is based on the famous Motorola 6800 series microprocessor (U3 in the picture and in the schematic). Sound synthesis is performed by a General Instrument AY-3-8910 (U1). There's also a 6820 Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA) (U2) to interface the AY38910 to the MPU, a ROM (U4) that contains game-specific code and data and a RAM chip (U10). The microprocessor is clocked by a 3.58 MHz crystal. Due to the built-in clock divider the 6800 operates at 895 kHz.
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The Bally AS-2518-51 Sound Module Assembly as found in Nitro Ground Shaker |
The pinball system interfaces with the sound module using a 15 pin connector (J1) that provides both power and input. The only output of the sound module happens through the speaker connector (J2).
The manual contains schematics for all the electronics in the pinball machine. The schematic for the sound assembly module is reproduced below.
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Schematic of the AS-2518-51 Sound Module |
The sound module's basic operation is as follows. The pinball's main processing board (known as the MPU Module Assembly) asserts the number of the sound it wants to play on the sound module's address lines on the J1 connector (pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and optionally 13). Then it pulses the sound interrupt line on pin 8. The 6800 picks up this signal (through the PIA) and jumps into action. It reads the number of the sound to play (from the IO port on the AY-3-8910, through the PIA) and generates commands for the AY-3-8910 (again, through the PIA) to synthesize the requested sound.
Reconstructing the Memory Map
The 6800 accesses its on-bus peripherals (RAM, ROM and PIA) by mapping pieces of its 64 kiB address space to each individual peripheral. This is all done in hardware by wiring some of the lines of the address bus to pins of the peripheral chips that cause the chip to turn on or off. Pins that cause a chip to turn on are usually called CS (for chip select). Pins that cause a chip to turn off are usually called /CS (the negation of CS). A chip is enabled if all CS lines are pulled high and all /CS lines are pulled low.
All chips on the bus are only allowed to be active when the address bus contains a valid address. When this is the case the 6800 pulls the VMA line high (for Valid Memory Address). This line is usually connected to a CS pin, fulfilling this requirement.
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RAM chip connections |
The RAM (U10) chip's data lines and address lines A0 through A6 are connected to the data and the address bus of the 6800 respectively. Two address lines (A7 and A12) are also wired to /CS pins. This means that the RAM chip is only active if the A7 and A12 lines are both low.
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PIA chip connections |
The PIA (U2) is active when A7 is high (CS) and A12 is low (/CS). Also note that the chip is only wired to address lines A0 and A1.
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ROM chip connections |
The ROM chip is enabled when NAND(VMA, A12) is low (/CS). This is the case when A12 (and VMA) are high. The ROM chip is connected to the address bus through lines A0 to A10. Line A11 can be enabled with a jumper when the ROM chip is 4 kiB instead of 2kiB, but this is not the case for Nitro Ground Shaker.
Based on the above information we can reconstruct the memory map as seen by the 6800.
Start | End | A7 | A12 | Device | Address Lines | Actual Range |
0x0000 | 0x007F | 0 | 0 | RAM | A0 - A6 | 0x0000 - 0x007F |
0x0080 | 0x0FFF | 1 | 0 | PIA | A0 - A1 | 0x0080 - 0x0083 |
0x1000 | 0xFFFF | 1 | ROM | A0 - A10 | 0x1000 - 0x17FF |
Disassembling the ROM contents
ROM images can be obtained from the Internet Pinball Database for use with the PinMAME emulator. We are interested in the roms for the regular (6-digit) version of the pinball machine. The ROM bundle consists of four files. Three are for the MPU Module Assembly, and one is for U4 on the Sound Module Assembly. We are interested in the latter.The game configuration in the PinMAME source code contains the following lines:
BY35_ROMSTART888(ngndshkr,"776-17_1.716",CRC(f2d44235) SHA1(282106767b5ec5180fa8e7eb2eb5b4766849c920),
"776-11_2.716",CRC(b0396b55) SHA1(2d10c4af7ecfa23b64ffb640111b582f44256fd5),
"720-35_6.716",CRC(78d6d289) SHA1(47c3005790119294309f12ea68b7e573f360b9ef))
BY51_SOUNDROM8( "776-15_4.716",CRC(63c80c52) SHA1(3350919fce237b308b8f960948f70d01d312e9c0))
The ROM image for U4 (SOUNDROM) is contained in the file 776-15_4.716.
We disassemble the ROM contents using DASMx, a two-pass disassembler that supports the 6800 family of processors. When disassembling we must make sure to specify the correct origin address to ensure that the ROM contents line up with the addresses as seen by the processor. Since the ROM is mapped at address 0x1000 we must specify this when we invoke the disassembler:
dasmx -c6800 -o0x1000 -w ngndshkr\776-15_4.716
The result is a listing of data and instructions for the addresses in ROM.
Reverse Engineering the Boot Procedure
According to the datasheet of the 6800 family of processors, when the 6800 is started it will start execution at the address located at 0xFFFF and 0xFFFE. Other memory locations stored at the top of memory are used to react to other events:
These addressess are mapped to addresses 0x1F8 and up on the actual ROM, since only address lines A0-A10 are used.
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Table 1 of the datasheet of the 6800 as published by Hitachi. |
The ROM contains the following values:
17F8 : 10
17F9 : 23
17FA : 10
17FB : 00
17FC : 10
17FD : 00
17FE : 10
17FF : 00
On (re)start, software interrupt or non-maskable interrupt (NMI, pin 6 connected to pushbutton SW1), execution starts at address 0x1000, which is the first address in ROM. On interrupt request (IRQ, pin 4 connected to the PIA) execution starts at address 0x1023.
First we initialize the stack. The stack pointer is set to 0x007F. The stack grows downward (toward lower addresses) and 0x007F is the highest address available in RAM.
1000 : 8E 00 7F " " [3] lds #$007F
Next up is basic PIA configuration. Refer tot the datasheet for the PIA for the meaning of the various registers.
1003 : 4F "O" [2] clra
1004 : 97 83 " " [4] staa X0083
Set PIA control register B (CRB) to zero. This is mainly to set bit CRB-2 to zero to allow us to write to the direction register using address 0x0082.
1006 : 43 "C" [2] coma
1007 : 97 82 " " [4] staa X0082
Write 0xFF to the direction register for port B. This configures all pins of port B (PB) on the PIA as outputs.
1009 : 86 34 " 4" [2] ldaa #$34
100B : 97 83 " " [4] staa X0083
Write 0x34 (00110100) to the control register for port B (CRB). This means:
17F8 : 10
17F9 : 23
17FA : 10
17FB : 00
17FC : 10
17FD : 00
17FE : 10
17FF : 00
On (re)start, software interrupt or non-maskable interrupt (NMI, pin 6 connected to pushbutton SW1), execution starts at address 0x1000, which is the first address in ROM. On interrupt request (IRQ, pin 4 connected to the PIA) execution starts at address 0x1023.
First we initialize the stack. The stack pointer is set to 0x007F. The stack grows downward (toward lower addresses) and 0x007F is the highest address available in RAM.
Next up is basic PIA configuration. Refer tot the datasheet for the PIA for the meaning of the various registers.
1003 : 4F "O" [2] clra
1004 : 97 83 " " [4] staa X0083
Set PIA control register B (CRB) to zero. This is mainly to set bit CRB-2 to zero to allow us to write to the direction register using address 0x0082.
1006 : 43 "C" [2] coma
1007 : 97 82 " " [4] staa X0082
Write 0xFF to the direction register for port B. This configures all pins of port B (PB) on the PIA as outputs.
1009 : 86 34 " 4" [2] ldaa #$34
100B : 97 83 " " [4] staa X0083
Write 0x34 (00110100) to the control register for port B (CRB). This means:
CRB-0/1: Disable \IRQB by CB1
CRB-2: Read/writes on 0x82 will now affect I/O port B. This enables output to the PB pins of the PIA.
CRB-3/5: (110) CB2 is output, CB2 set high. CB2 switches the analog output.
100D : 86 07 " " [2] ldaa #$07
100F : 97 81 " " [4] staa X0081
Set PIA Control Register A (CRA) to 0x07 (00000111):
CRA-0/1: Enable \IRQA by CA1, Set low-to-high transition. This is the main interrupt: when the pinball wants to play a sound it will trigger this interrupt. The PIA will then in turn lower the \IRQ line of the 6800 and an interrupt request will take place.
CRA-2: Select peripheral A register. Read/writes to 0x80 will now affect I/O port A. This enables us to read/write data from the AY-3-8910.
CRA-3/5: (000) CA2 setup does not matter as that pin is not connected.
1011 : 7F 00 3F " ?" [6] clr X003F
Clear memory location 0x003F. As of yet unexplained.
Then we launch a busy loop, presumably with the intention of giving the pinball machine as a whole a chance to come online. Interrupts request presented during this time as not handled, as interrupts are still masked.
1014 : 86 32 " 2" [2] ldaa #$32
1016 L1016:
1016 : CE 3D 2D " =-" [3] ldx #$3D2D
1019 L1019:
1019 : 09 " " [4] dex
101A : 26 FD "& " [4] bne L1019
101C : 4A "J" [2] deca
101D : 26 F7 "& " [4] bne L1016
The inner loop at L1019 is executed 0x3D2D (15661) times and it consumes 8 cycles (see the timing information between square brackets), for a total of 125288 cycles per inner loop, or about 139 ms. This loop is executed 50 (0x32) times, yielding a delay of about 7 seconds.
101F : 96 80 " " [3] ldaa X0080
Reading from 0x0080 gets us the value currently on port A of the PIA. This is the value presented to it by the AY-3-8910.
1021 : 0E " " [2] cli
1022 : 3E ">" [9] wai
Now we're ready to work. We unmask the interrupt requests and wait for an interrupt.
Playing a Sound: Overview
When the pinball machine wants to play a sound, it triggers the IRQ line on the 6800 through the interrupt logic of the PIA. This triggers the execution of the interrupt service routine (ISR) located at address 0x1023. The ISR performs some initialization and then reads the value asserted by the pinball machine on the AY-3-8910's IO port A to determine the sound that is being requested. Sounds are played with interrupts unmasked, which means that an incoming interrupt request can interrupt the currently playing sound. Since the ISR resets the stack at every invocation, the newer sound completely overrides the older one. An interesting note is that (at least on Nitro Ground Shaker) sound 3 is always played with interrupts masked, rendering it uninterruptible. Sound requests will be ignored while sound 3 is playing.
Sounds 0 through 4 are played using specialized subroutines that issue commands to the AY-3-8910 programmable sound generator using native 6800 code. Sounds 5 through 32 on the other hand rely on a custom virtual machine (VM) implementation that executes a domain specific bytecode.
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Overview of sound playing logic |
The bytecode can contain arithmetic operations on the AY-3-8910's registers, can perform both conditional and unconditional branches and even jump to, and return from, subroutines. It has a small stack and an explicit program counter. The sound VM is therefore a complete virtual computer optimized for the task of driving the sound generator.
Virtual Machine Bytecode
The VM code takes the form of simple bytecode instructions where the high nibble of the first byte contains the instruction opcode to be executed. Execution is handled on a per-opcode basis using a table of pointers to opcode handler subroutines. The first parameter (places in the low nibble) is passed to the handler routine in accumulator A. Accumulator B contains the byte that follows the opcode as the second parameter. Whether this is actually used by the instruction is determined by the opcode handler, as it determines the instruction length by increasing the VM program counter VM_PC. By indexing relative to VM_PC and incrementing it accordingly afterward, the VM can execute instructions of arbitrary length. We have observed instructions of length 3.byte | 0 | 1 | 2 | |
bits | 0-3 | 4-7 | 0-7 | 0-7 |
contents | OPCODE | A | B | P2 |
By disassembling the opcode handlers we can understand the purpose of the different opcodes. All opcodes 0-F are in use, but I have not yet figured out the purpose and usage of some of them. I assigned the mnemonics based on my understanding of the instructions. The mnemonics used in the original documentation/source code are likely very different. Also, this table reflects my current understanding of the bytecode and the bytecode interpreter and it is likely to contain major mistakes and omissions.
Opcode | Len | Mnemonic | A | B | P2 | Desc |
0 | 2 | ST | REG | VAL | Store VAL in AY-3-8910 register REG | |
1 | 1 | INC | REG | REG += 1 | ||
2 | 1 | DEC | REG | REG -= 1 | ||
3 | 2 | ADD | REG | VAL | REG += VAL | |
4 | 2 | SUB | REG | VAL | REG -= VAL | |
5 | 2 | BRA | OFFS | Branch to (relative) offset | ||
6 | 2 | BEQ | REG | OFFS | Branch if REG is zero | |
7 | 2 | BNE | REG | OFFS | Branch if REG is not zero | |
8 | 2 | WAIT | 0? | DELAY | Pause. Use DELAY if A!=0, otherwise use default delay. | |
9 | 1 | ? | REG | Unknown | ||
A | 3 | CALL | 0? | OFFS_HIGH | OFFS_LOW | Call bytecode (A=0) or native (A!=0) subroutine. |
B | 1 | RET | Return from bytecode subroutine | |||
C | 2 | WRITE | REG | ? | Write value in RAM to REG. Purpose unclear. | |
D | 2 | READ | REG | ? | Read value in REG to RAM. Purpose unclear. | |
E | 1 | FREEZE | Freeze execution of sound (until next interrupt) (?) | |||
F | 1 | STOP | End execution of sound. (?) |
The Bally AS-2518-51 Sound Module Assembly is an extremely interesting piece of kit. In this post we have described the general functionality of the Sound Module Assembly, we have reconstructed the memory map as seen by the 6800 processor, we have disassembled the firmware and taken a first stab at reverse engineering the the sound playing logic.
The sounds are generated, either directly by the 6800 microprocessor or using a custom virtual machine programmed in a specially designed bytecode. Because of this, it is far from trivial to extract the sound effects directly from the ROM images into a description of the AY-3-8910 register states that can be dumped into an YM file or similar. It is much easier to instrument a full emulator (like PinMAME) if this is the goal.
It should however be possible to craft a program that "compiles" a YM file into either a native or a bytecode routine so that it can be added to a pinball machine as one of the sounds available. Whether it can be done within the hardware constraints and whether it can be cleanly patched into the firmware remains to be seen.
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